So glad you asked!

  • Technically it depends, but as a rule we follow a 2 week process. Unless you’re wanting a ton of additional add-on features you can expect your site to be completed in 2 weeks after we begin. Have a look at our Services page to see what we do or Book a Free Consult Call!

  • We can definitely help with sourcing premium stock photos for your website, but we encourage you to include high quality images of you and/or your past work as well! You can book a photoshoot or or even use your smartphone’s camera if you’re handy with editing.

  • Yes! We’ve found it to be an extremely customizable and intuitive platform, so for now we are choosing to be experts in this area.

  • You bet! Everyone and their brother browses websites on their phone these days, so we make sure yours will look great no matter which type of device it’s being viewed on.

  • Yes! Our site building packages are a flat fee, so you won’t have to worry about a surprise hefty bill at the end of a project! If you would like ongoing assistance after your site launches you can choose our monthly Support package at a set rate that includes a fixed amount of hours.

  • We certainly can! It’s important to approach a redesign with thoughtfulness and intention, so we recommend booking a consultation call before choosing this option. This will help ensure you reach your intended goal.

  • Yes! Every package comes with a ~1 hour live training call with a recorded copy sent to you afterwards. If you would like additional assistance you can choose to add our monthly Support package. Check out all our services!

  • For sure! Check out our Support package here.

  • Unfortunately we do not offer social media marketing at this time. We prefer to focus on building a functional, easy to use, beautiful website to help you attract clients. We can however integrate your existing social media into your website if you’d like.

  • Great question! For website design and development we work on a 33% initial deposit to book your design date. The second 33% payment is due after your initial site is built (when you get to give edits), with the remaining 34% due at launch. For monthly Support packages, the full fee is due on the 1st day of the monthly service.

  • Absolutely! If you’re ready to book, schedule your free consult call. If not, no worries! Have a look at some of our past work and see what we offer.

  • Absolutely! If you live in the Anchorage, AK area we can definitely meet up. If you’re somewhere else I’d be happy to hop on a video call and have a chat while sipping a beverage.

  • If you’re a small business owner in need of a brand new website or a redesign of an existing site, then heck yes! If you’re more established and looking for social media marketing to go along with your existing site, then we probably aren’t a good fit.

  • You’ll get a free consultation call, a clear project timeline, the ability to review and edit your site with me before launch, a training call to show you how to edit and update your site, and the final product - a brand new website! If you’d like to have some extra help on hand to update your site after launch - fear not! You can always add the Support package at any time.

  • Nope! All our work is done in-house.

  • If you book today you pay nothing. We’ll schedule a free consultation to make sure we’re a good fit. If we are - great! You’ll then have the opportunity to officially hire me. For website design and development we work on a 33% initial deposit, with the remaining payments due at site build and launch. For monthly Support packages, the full fee is due on the 1st day of the monthly service.

  • Step 1. Meet and chat. We’ll hop on a video call so you can share your ideas and end goal with me. I can also make sure I’m catching your vibes and ask any clarifying questions to make sure we’re a good fit. After the call I’ll send you a project timeline and other details, at which point you can officially hire me! Hooray! You will then have some homework to do and send back to me before I can start building your site.

    Step 2. Collect photos and copy. You will now gather together your notes, vision and inspiration for your website. You’ll receive a questionnaire to help guide you through this process, and we’ll schedule everything so you have at least 2 weeks to start the prep. I will of course be available for questions as they come up (don’t worry - I’m here for ya!)

    Step 3. I construct your site and you review it. I’ll put all your material together and present it to you in a video call. We can talk about what you like and what you want to change, and I’ll make the final edits. Once that’s done we’re ready to launch!

  • Once your site is completed you will take over payment for your Squarespace subscription (this cost will vary depending on your needs, but ranges from $14 - $49 per month paid annually.)