When is the Best Time to Start Building My Website?

When is the best time to start building my website?
Are you struggling to decide when is the best time to begin building your website?

I’m willing to bet you've tried different things like setting up a regular schedule or sticking to a to-do checklist, but it’s hard to squeeze in time for picking brand colors and writing website copy with everything else you have to do.

And when you can finally wedge out an hour here or there, it only makes you feel more defeated because, let’s face it, an hour isn’t enough to DIY and launch an entire site.  

Don't worry! You’re not alone.  

One of the biggest challenges people face is finding the balance between their everyday “life” activities like a 9-5 job, errands, cooking, family, sleeping, etc. and building their business. 

It’s hard to stay motivated to keep working on your website when you’re literally squeezing in a half hour here and there trying to juggle amidst the whirlwind of daily tasks and responsibilities but are never really “all-in”. 

Speaking from experience, getting your website built and launched takes organization and dedication. And TIME. 

So how – and when – can you find enough time for building your website? Should you do it first thing in the morning? Lunchtime? Later in the day? 

Not to mention how do you even decide at what stage of your business should you even start this journey? 

Keep reading for the pros and cons AND my advice...  

Best Time for Building Your Website: Do Mornings Have an Edge?

Sometimes you have to be the early bird.

If early mornings are when you feel most productive, block out time for working on your website first thing in the AM. 

Scheduling your website build before everything (and everyone) else has 3 big benefits:

  • Benefit #1 You'll kickstart your day with your website to-do list already conquered, setting the tone for a sense of accomplishment and empowering you to fearlessly take on any challenge that crosses your path.

  • Benefit #2 –  You won't find yourself overwhelmed throughout the day, trying to squeeze it in, because you'll have already checked it off your list!

  • Benefit #3 - Working on your website early in the morning lays a solid foundation for structuring your day and cultivating a consistent routine.

If you’re not naturally an early riser, a morning schedule can be hard to adopt. 

But if you stick with it, over time you can actually improve your mental focus, productivity, and even shift your circadian rhythm so you’re more alert in the morning. 

Plus, studies show that waking up early helps to balance your mental health, leading early risers to feel more optimistic, satisfied, and positive.

Another reason to start working on your website in the morning?

You’ll have more time to plan your day AND you’ll be more alert (not to mention the extra energy!) What a win-win!

Need help with planning out your website building process? 

You may be interested in my FREE Squarespace Website Prep Guide. 
It has everything you need to help you plan out the tedious and not so fun back-end stuff (like website copy and competitor research!) and FINALLY get your site built and launched.

Click here to download your FREE guide now!

Best Time for Building Your Website: Afternoons Can Work, Too

If mornings are an absolute hard pass, tackling your website build in the early afternoon can work too.

You just have to be really diligent with your schedule. After all, we all know how easy it is to procrastinate, right?

For example, if you schedule time for working on your website between 1-4pm every day, make sure you get your other “busy” tasks out of the way in the morning.

This will require you to be really on top of your time management, so the morning tasks don’t dribble into the afternoon and eat away at your designated website building time.

Don’t let those other tasks distract you or linger on! It’s too easy to get pulled into the analysis paralysis or “just one more thing before I switch” rut.

It may help to use your lunch time as a focus-shifter, allowing you to mentally prepare yourself to swing your focus onto something new.  That can actually help shift your body clock and help you adjust to building your website at that time.

On the plus side, it’ll likely be easy to stay consistent with working on your website in the afternoon. Most people are more physically energetic and alert at that time. 

A recent study found that taking a 20 minute nap in the afternoon actually increases your productivity when working. According to this article, “napping gives us better retention, focus, and overall emotional health.” The study’s findings also indicated nappers performed significantly better at psychological wellbeing and cognitive functioning. 

Sounds like a great reason to work on your website in the afternoon - when you’re actually more productive. If that’s not an excuse to take a nap I don’t know what is!

Best Time for Building Your Website: Nighttime Has its Perks

If this is your “go” time, more power to you! 

Personally, I like to think of myself as a night owl, and that’s true in the sense that I would much rather stay up late to get things done instead of waking up early. But at the same time I find that my natural laziness can hit at night time and I can fall into a slump. But for many people, this is when they have more energy.

Scheduling your website build after everything else quiets down means you’ll have fewer distractions and an easier time focusing.

This is especially true if you have a family to care for and it’s only possible to dig in after your kids are asleep. This can also be true if your website isn’t yet your main focus (i.e. you have a day job and this is currently a side hustle.)

It’s also easier to maintain concentration and stay alert after longer hours.

So if you’re one of the lucky ones that “wakes up” at night bursting with energy and focus, go for it. 

Who needs to binge-watch Netflix? Be productive and get that website done!

And if you’re not naturally a night owl but nighttime is the only time you have to work on building your website, here are some tips to stay productive:

  • Tip #1 – Set Clear Goals and Priorities: Before you start working on your website, outline specific goals for that session. Identify the most crucial tasks you want to accomplish and prioritize them. This will help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

  • Tip #2 – Create a Dedicated Work Environment: Create a specific workspace for your website building activities. Make sure it’s well-lit, comfortable, and free of distractions. Having a dedicated space helps signal your brain that it’s time to be productive and minimizes the chances of getting sidetracked. According to Beck Technology’s article, having a dedicated workspace “allows you to focus” and “mentally gets you into a work mode”. 

  • Tip #3 - Use Time Blocking: Divide your evening into blocks of time dedicated to different tasks. For instance, allocate one block for content creation, another for design, and another for troubleshooting. Time blocking helps you work efficiently and prevents burnout by allowing regular breaks. Something else you may find useful is the Pomodoro Technique. This is a time management method where you focus on working a task for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. Longer breaks are taken after about 4 consecutive work intervals. Scheduling brain-breaks consistently can make bigger tasks or a long to-do list less daunting, and also prevents mental exhaustion.

When Am I Ready for a Website?

If you’re feeling stuck trying to decide when in your business journey is the right time to build your website, there are a few schools of thought.

The first says you should build your website when you’re getting all your paperwork ducks in a row (i.e. business license, incorporation documents, etc.) There is a benefit to getting it done early so it’s already launched and ready for visitors the moment you want to start marketing.

But there are also some drawbacks to focusing on your website so early in your journey (mainly that it increases the likelihood you’ll get stuck in analysis paralysis and design decision overwhelm which might lead to you not progressing the other aspects of your business.)

Here are my tips on how to know if you’re ready to start building your website:

  • Tip #1 – Define Your Brand First: Before you dive into website building, take the time to define your brand identity. Clearly outline your business’ mission, values, target audience, and unique selling points. Having a strong understanding of your brand (what you do, who you serve, and what you stand for) will make the design and content creation process so much smoother and more aligned with your overall vision.

  • Tip #2 – Create a Business Plan: Your website should be an extension of your business strategy. It’s a good idea to have a solid business plan in place before you start building it. This would include your revenue model, market research, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and other essential aspects. When you have a clear business plan, you can design your website to support your goals more effectively.

  • Tip #3 - You Have Products or Services to Showcase: The moment you’re ready to debut your products or services to the world is an ideal time to start building your website. Your website will serve as a platform to highlight your offerings, provide detailed information, and encourage potential customers to learn more and take action. 

Your website is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your business journey. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when to start building your site, the key is to take a strategic approach.

Take the time to lay the foundation, define your brand, and conduct research before diving into the design and development process. With careful planning and a clear vision, your website will become a valuable asset that helps you achieve your business goals.

Remember, the right time to start building your website is when you’ve laid the foundation and are ready to craft a strong and impactful online presence.

There’s no one-size-fits-all!

Ultimately, the best time for building your website is whenever you’re most productive.

And by that, I mean when your mind is alert, thoughts are lucid, and with a few hours of devoted time ahead of you to immerse yourself in the task at hand.

Sure, an hour here or there is great. But when it comes time to really focus and get things done, you need more than just an hour.


When you’re juggling building a website with other “life” tasks and responsibilities, you have to be incredibly strict with your schedule. Set time-related deadlines and stick to them (try the Pomodoro technique!) So If you plan to start at 6 am, start at 6 am, not 6:30. That way there’s less room for procrastination. 

Remember, the hardest part is starting. Even if your brain feels foggy, it’ll wake up once you start.

In the journey of website creation, your productivity becomes the thread that weaves together your vision, goals, and execution. By capitalizing on your most productive moments, sticking to the schedule you’ve laid out, and overcoming the hurdle of just getting started, you’re well on your way to showing off your dedication and creativity with a solid business plan and a beautiful website.

If you’re unsure how to start prepping your new Squarespace website, I created a FREE guide just for you. 

It has everything you need to finally build a plan to launch your site and actually stick to it!

Yay for checking things off that to-do list!

Click here to download your FREE guide now!

Download your Squarespace Website Prep Guide here


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