Gold Standard Design

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5 Ways to Create Your Business Content Faster & Easier

Have you been caught in the trap of wanting to post content for your business, but haven’t because you just don’t know what to post?

Or maybe the idea of trying to post consistently seems like it’s just gonna take forever - and who has that kind of time?

I don’t!

Not to worry friends!

Today I’m going to show you 5 ways that you can create content for your business faster AND easier!

Easier than what?

Easier than you thought it was going to be?

I don’t know - just easier! 🤣

Rather watch instead of read?

Here’s that video for ya!

Hey guys - welcome or welcome back! If you don’t know me, my name is Ranita - I’m a website designer who loves teaching people about Squarespace, and I’m the creator behind Gold Standard Design.

If you're a creator, blogger, podcaster, or solopreneur looking to dive into the world of Squarespace - I’ve got you covered.

#1. Have a Plan

Before you start anything, it’s usually best to have a plan, right? Well creating content is no different.

First you’ll want to outline your business goals.

  • Do you want to generate leads?

  • Drive traffic to your website?

  • Increase sales?

It’s ok to have more than one goal, but just figure that out and write it down.

Next you’re going to create something called content pillars.

Now, I can’t remember where I heard this term first, but think of it like this.

Your content pillars are going to be the main topics you talk about / create content about.

So for example my content pillars as a Squarespace web designer are Squarespace (shocker), website design, online business, and content creation.

You don’t have to have a set number of pillars, but 3-5 is a good number to aim for.

You want to keep these pillars general enough that you’ll be able to create a lot of content around each one, but have them be “on brand” for you, if that makes sense?

Basically you just want to make sure your pillars tie back to the main purpose of your business and your business goals.

Ok, so if you think about your content pillars like buckets, you’re going to want to fill up those buckets with a bunch of ideas.

I recommend checking out Modern Millie’s video on how to plan out your content for a great tutorial on how to do this.

Plus she’s got a great fillable workbook to go along with it - go check her out!

Once your buckets are full of ideas you’re just going to rotate between those to keep your content fresh and interesting for your audience.

Now that you’ve decided on your goals and content pillars, you’re going to want to choose what format your content will take.

  • Do you like posting long form content like YouTube videos?

  • Do you prefer short form content like reels and shorts?

  • Do you like posting on social media or blogging?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, so just go with the ones that don’t drive you crazy and hopefully you actually like using.

Lastly, you’ll want to decide on your schedule or posting frequency.

Here are some industry averages for posting, but think of these more like a baseline.

You don’t HAVE to post every single day on Tiktok, or 5 times a week on Instagram. These are just the averages.

Now, if you’re ABLE to keep up with posting every day for 6 months - go for it!

But the name of the game here is consistency, so regardless of the industry averages just pick a posting frequency that you know you’ll be able to be consistent with for the next 6 months.

#2. Use a Content Calendar

There are LOOOOOOTTTSSS of options when it comes to content calendar tools, and girl I’ma be honest with you.

It can get overwhelming, ok?

You’ve got people out here saying Notion is the best thing ever, and then you hear Asana is super great, and then you’ve got OGs saying Google Sheets is all you need. 

Here’s a list up here of the most popular tools I see people using for this, but my advice is to go watch tutorials of how people use these and then decide which one you want to try.

I’m pretty sure their basic functionality is the same, but pick one you like and that you think will work for you.

Personally, I use Asana for this (not sponsored), and I’ll show you how I like to divide things up in there.

This is my Content project shown in Board view.

You can see my content pillars are listed up top with all my ideas underneath. Any time I get a new idea I’ll just pop it in here under the appropriate pillar.

Once I assign dates to my ideas I can see them listed out in the Calendar view.

And if I’d rather look at my ideas in a list, Asana can do that too!

Once I’ve completed an idea as a YouTube video or blog post I just check it off.

Asana makes it easy to drag and drop for rearranging my ideas too.

For me, using a content calendar has really helped take most of the stress out of posting.

I can see my content buckets and easily grab ideas from each one, and I can pre-plan when I’m going to work on each of those ideas instead of randomly trying to come up with something every week.

#3. Batch Your Content

I don’t know about you, but I like to group similar tasks together.

It just makes me feel like I’m getting things done faster!

And that’s certainly true when creating content.

Whether you’re making videos, reels, blogs, or podcasts - it doesn’t matter.

  • Write 3-4 scripts at a time, then pick a day to film them all.

  • Outline a couple blog posts, then get to writing the full articles.

It’s easier to stay consistent with your posting if you’ve got a bank of material already finished and lined up, which is where batching comes in handy. 

Now, I’ll be honest, I’m not always the best at this, but I AM trying to get better!

Because the times that I’ve had 2 or 3 posts pre-scheduled and ready to go it’s such a relaxing feeling.

Like I just feel so much lighter like a feather with it off my mind.


One thing I’ve found helpful for this is using templates.

Now, I know it can take a bit of extra time to set up at first, but honestly having a template for my YouTube scripts and blog posts has been SUCH a time saver.

And these don’t have to be complicated either!

Maybe you created something one time and liked it - perfect!

Note the format structure and turn that into a template to save you 5 steps for next time.

This works for blog posts, podcasts, photo editing - anything really.

Ok, so you’re doing all this work to create and post content for your business…

but what good is that if you don’t have consistent eyeballs on it? 

If one of your goals was to increase traffic to your website or subscribers to your blog I’ve got the perfect thing for you.

A FREE email subscriber growth guide!

Inside you’ll find 6 easy changes you can make to give your website the best shot at converting more visitors into subscribers and customers without spending a ton of time or effort.

Grab your copy now!

#4. Repurpose Your Content

Want to know how to turn one piece of content into 2 or more?

Heck yes you do!


Ok, so the idea here is that you can reuse or repurpose your content onto multiple platforms because you’re not going to have the same audience on your blog that you do on YouTube that you do on TikTok.

So it’s ok to post your same content across multiple platforms.

What you want to do is pick your favorite form of content - the one you enjoy making the most.

Let’s say that’s YouTube videos.

Now, chances are you wrote a script for that YouTube video, which you can now copy and paste into a blog post on your website.

Boom! Second piece of content created!

And even if you didn’t write a script, you can get the transcript from your YouTube video and use that.

But let’s say you don’t want to blog. That's cool - I get it!

What you can do instead is chop up your YouTube video into little clips that are 60 seconds or less.

Now you’re ready to post those as Instagram and TikTok reels and YouTube shorts!

And if you don’t want to take the time to sort through your long form video to make those shorts, there are some great AI tools that can help.

They can automatically find the most interesting moments in your long form video and edit the footage to be vertical so you can get low to no effort shorts and reels created for you.

Check out tools like these to help with this.

Boom! Third and fourth pieces of content created!

Don’t want to do shorts and reels? I got you!

Take the main ideas from your YouTube video and turn them into a carousel or long caption post on Instagram or Facebook.

Canva has some great templates for carousels, so check that out if you need a jumping off point for design.

BOOM! Fifth and sixth pieces of content created!

Look, my main point here is don’t feel like you have to create unique content for each platform.

You totally can, but you also don’t have to.

Use your content to its full advantage to save you time AND effort.

#5. Refresh & Reuse

Ok, this might sound like repurposing your content, but hear me out!

For social media posts what you want to do is create a list of your best performing content, then recreate it as a new post by switching out the visual and the first sentence.

And now you’ve got a brand new piece of content!

Look, social media moves fast, and chances are high that not all of your audience saw that piece of content the first time.

Even if they did, we’re so bombarded with images and information that we forget a lot of what we see.

So it’s ok to re-post that content again - I promise!

Especially if it did well the first time!

The social media police aren’t going to come after you, and your audience will enjoy the info.

Now, for things like blog posts and YouTube videos you’re probably going to have to refresh the content itself, at least a little bit.

Putting things like year dates in the title or thumbnail of your content is great for initial searches, but usually means you’re going to need to update it annually to stay relevant.

Another tip is to keep a running list of promotional content for your evergreen offers to make resharing easier and faster.

Things like emails, captions, images, links - all that good stuff.

Just pop it in a spreadsheet (or Asana project!) so you can easily refer back to it when you need to and just hit copy/paste into your promotion.

Wrap Up

Ok, so there you have it. 5 ways to create your business content faster and easier!

Interested in working with me?

Or maybe want to chat about a project you’ve got in mind?

Book a FREE call with me here!

If you found any of this helpful don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content creation tips and tricks!

And let me know in the comments which of these tips was your favorite and which ones did I miss?

Any other things you’re interested in learning about Squarespace, websites, or online business? Let me know!